General Meeting 8th August 2024

General Meeting 8th August 2024

Great to see so many members wearing their sub-Branch polo shirts to this meeting held in the Lone Pine Room.

The meeting was chaired by recently elected President Roy Parkinson and we had the pleasure of greeting Pauline James OAM, the Coordinator of RSL Auxiliaries in NSW accompanied by her husband Ray James OAM the immediate past President of RSL NSW.

As part of the meeting procedure Pauline was invited to present membership cards and badges to Finn Thorvaldson and Robert Garing. A further two new members, Ralph Clark and Peter Simpson will have their cards and badges presented later. Pleasingly there are more Service Member transfers in the pipeline and three Affiliate Member applications are being dealt with by RSL NSW.

After completion of the sub-Branch meeting items, Secretary John Sowden formally introduced Pauline James to the meeting. Following her interesting address, centered on the role of Auxiliaries in the RSL environment, she strongly encouraged us to investigate the possibility of forming an Auxiliary to our sub-Branch. This will be followed up in due course.

An additional highlight of the meeting was the presentation by Pauline of “Thank you for your Service” quilts to Doug Smyth and John Sowden – both worthy recipients for their contributions to our sub-Branch.